Saturday, November 8, 2008

Love Dare

Well, we've been off to a rocky start with the love dare journal. So, I was thinking we could start over from day 1 (with The Purpose Driven Life and with the forty love dares). It's mostly my fault for the lack of communication I think, so we'll go ahead and set up a system that will work for us.

If we start from the beginning, we'll need to be sure to make up new love dares two or three days in advance, in case we can't communicate with each other for a day or two. I'll post all love dares here, so we can have easy access to them. And I'll try to write up a brief commentary type thing on each one so we know why we're doing what we're doing; I'll add some verses too, like we did the first two days. Let's plan on starting on the Monday after next (Nov. 17th).

"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love."
- 1 Corinthians 13:13

Let's keep that in mind. We need to do this to grow in our love for Christ/our relationship with Christ.

Time to kill the sinful selves that have been ruling us for too long, eh?

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